Monday, February 1, 2016

Version 0.0.5T(P)

New Version! Minus a few bits of hanging stuff (yes I know there's a few missing maps, and the final page doesn't include details). This is concludes the Old Mansion section (again), and moves the game into Arcadia proper (again), and hopefully marks the start of significant new content. This also includes the first Patron only cheats (which really doesn't do much at the moment, although you can play with it if you make a save back a page or two to see exactly what affects the starting generated apperance). The main reason it's late is, I had to rewrite a lot of this bit, so it took longer than I wanted (and expected).

Also, I've tweaked a few things (i.e. There's now a change log included in the game itself.) Gonna take a short break today and try to keep work up until the fifth or so (because I know I'll be losing a few days of work there), altough, in my terrible habit of on/off scheduling, even I'm not sure about what all I tweaked.

Third, saves are broken with this update (and if I didn't include it last time, I've now included a notation on if I think saves will be broken across versions from now on.)

And finally, I hope to try a more rapid fire approach to updates over this coming month, so, we'll see how that goes. (I mean, if you played the RAGS version, you know the next section includes a lot of text that it really doesn't matter if I fuck up a bit.)


  1. excellent writing, If you are ever looking for an artist, I think I could fit the style for this pretty well.

  2. yay! looking forward to new content :)

  3. Hey, just wondering if this is still alive as the month gap is contrary to the rapid updates :).

    No biggie, just hoping everything is good on your side, RL being a thing and all.

    1. Hopefully in the next few days or so. At the end of last month I put up the Patreon version, but I wanted a few more things in before I put up the public one. Unfortunately RL did take over a bit (I have the stupidest family sometimes), and I've been distracted. Should be in the next few days though tops.

  4. Ok thanks. Sorry, didn't realize you had a patreon going and there were two versions releases.
    And yeah, family :).

  5. Hello, I discovered the elven parlor a week back or so and got very interested in no small part because of the very good writing and interesting characters but I'm kinda intrigued by the fact that the monthly update Isn't release yet at the end of March, no grave issue, I hope?

    1. Well, more mid-march that at the end but whatever :)

    2. Yea, it looks like I'll just have skipped a public Feb update. The March update will be out soonish (well, before the end of March), but that's the best I've got right now. My meandering mind mixed with annoyances over court paperwork kinda left me with a bit of half finished content that I'm now mostly working on cleaning up for a proper release.
