Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Elven Parlor 0.0.1T (aka The what is this shit edition)

So, good and bad news. Bad news is basically a reiteration that I'm dumb which, if you know me, is basically my motto (more on that below if you're interested). Good news is that I'm going to be putting out monthly updates from now on... which may be for a bad reason if you really likes RAGS. See, I hit technical problems with RAGS. While I could go into depth on them, suffice to say while RAGS has some great features, it ultimately has some downfalls too. Downfalls that makes errors constantly compound when working with its dev tools.

So I'm porting the game to Twine (under the slightly altered name of The Elven Parlor for technical reasons). There's currently a (very) short bit on what the game will look like in the future (SugarCube2, although I'm thinking about taking a hammer and tweaking the UI), more a trailer than a demo of any kind, and hopefully I'll have the whole thing ported (plus or minus some content) inside of the month (for this first month, I hope to actually be able to punch out a number of different updates). From there, new content should come out a whole lot faster. This is a pretty significant change and hopefully will mark a new stage in how I'm approaching this whole thing, which is why I'm actively purging chunks of the old info on the RAGS version of Elf's Parlor.

Now personal story time: As for why I'm dumb now, I accidentally cut iron out of my diet. Wouldn't be that huge of a deal if I wasn't anemic (runs in the family). Lesson: Pay attention to your diet. Wasn't the only reason this took a year and a day for me to do this, but it was what stopped me short first.


  1. I like the port to twine so far :)

  2. Nice game. Can't wait to see how things come along between the characters :)

  3. Nice game. Can't wait to see how things come along between the characters :)

  4. Always glad for more development here!
